Friday 18 October 2013

Art in the age of digital distribution

Mark Tribe describes in his essay “Art in the age of digital distribution” the evolution of New Media art. Related to this essay there are some questions to answer.

Dada & New Media art both described as "reactions". What did they react to?
Dada was a reaction of “industrialization of warefare and mechanical reporodution of texts and images”, whereas New Media art reacted on the “information technology revolution and the digitalization of cultural forms”.

What are some similarities of New Media art to Dada, Pop, Video art?
  • Dada: Use of the "same strategies (photomontage, collage, the Readymade, political action, performance), jar the complacent audience, fragmented juxtaposition of borrowed images and texts in works".
  • Pop art: “Refer to engaged with commercial culture”. Pop art brought "pop culture into art", whereas New Media art brought "new media formats like video games into art".  
  • Video art: Like in New Media art, at the begining only a few pioneers were doing this kind of art, till “the availability of relatively inexpensive equipment”. Like "portable video cameras" in Video art, the web browser is seen as “the catalyst” for New media art, described as “accessible artistic tools that enabled them to explore the changing relationship between technology and culture”. 

When was Net art first included in a major exhibition?
It was from 1994 till 1997 in the documenta X exhibition in Kassel, Germany.

Is New Media art focussed only in one country? Why or Why not?
No, New Media art was and is still a global phenomenon, cause of its strong "connection to the internet". New Media art began more or less in the same time when the internet started to spread out in our everyday life. And with the internet the "globalization of culture and economic" began its triumphal procession.

Why were many artists drawn to new media art from other disciplines? 

Because many artists were exited about the new possibilities they have with new technologies. They saw big potential in new media to find new ways for their artistically expression.

Tribe, M. (2009). Art in the Age of Digital Distribution. In: Jana, R. and Tribe, M. New Media Art. Koeln: Taschen. 6-25. 

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